penalty rules

§32 The usage of non-approved start or target poles will be sanctioned by a deduction of 3 points.


§33 The usage of an approved pole in a slightly changed design leads to a deduction of 2 points.


§34 In case of a violation of rule §16, 3 points will be deducted.


§35 Any attempt of manipulating the voting (e.g. buying of votes or collusion) will lead to a disqualification. In this case, the participant will not be allowed to take part in this cup for at least 2 years.


§36 Advertisements for non-sponsoring companies or organizations will be sanctioned by a deduction of 3 to 5 points.

§36.1 If any Youtube videos are monetarised, the participant will first receive a warning. In case of no reaction, §36 comes into force.


§37 Submissions that do not content any advertisements for sponsors will be disqualified.


§38 If any of the rules §32 to §37 is applied, the respective participant's voting power may be detracted.


§39 According to §9, any organizer or participant of similar or competitive cups or events will be excluded from the model ski cup.

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